If you are interested in creating your own business, you have to prepare everything that you’ll need for faster registration and less hassle. You also have other things that you must put into consideration before going through with your business. But opening your business in your own country and opening in another country has different guidelines that you must follow to make sure that you’ll be able to run your business without having to face a lot of trouble in the long run. One example is opening your own business in the US would need a lot of things that need to be met before you’ll be able to start the business that you have been dreaming of having in the said country.
One of the important things that you need when going to other countries is Visa. Whether you’ll be going there as a tourist or as an immigrant. You also use a visa in studying abroad whether under a scholarship or not. Having a visa can let you do a lot of things and experience what a lot of local people do. But it would still come down to what kind of visa you have and what is the purpose of your travel to another country.
Some people go to another country for pleasure, others go for business and others go for employment. Some people who go to another country like the US for employment are being petitioned by their spouses to be able to work there. For them to be able to enter and work in the US, they would need the IR1 visa also known as the marriage green card. This allows them to enter the US legally as this green card is a family-based type that falls under the immediate relative categorization. These partner visas are specifically designed for those legally married foreign nationals to their green card holder partners or their US citizen partner.
IR1 Visa VS CR1 Visa
There are two types of marriage green cards that are available for partners: the IR1 visa and the CR1 visa. The type of visa that would be issued to the spouse would be based on how long the couple has been married. For the IR1 visa, it is issued if the couple is married for over 2 years. While a CR1 visa is issued for those couples who have just been recently married or haven’t reached 2 years of their marriage.
Benefits of IR1 Visa
Having partner visas can give you a lot of benefits like being able to travel inside and outside of the United States. You can also apply for your driver’s license. You are also allowed to open your bank account and work legally within the United States. You are also allowed to study in higher institutions and educational programs.
But for you to be able to have this visa, you’ll have to pass the requirements needed for your partner visas. You have to make sure that you’ll be able to provide the necessary documents for your visa application. You also have to make sure that you’ll be able to provide a valid address of your spouse in the US.
Once the petition has been approved by the NVC, the spouse must start the application. The application can be processed immediately once their petition has been approved. The DS-260 is a form that asks questions about an applicant’s background and the reason for relocating to the US. You must make sure that you have included the confirmation page together with the number given when you completed the form.
You also have to make sure that the invoice number of your ID and the case number you received from NVC’s first packet is included. There are also medical examinations that you have to undergo together with some necessary vaccinations to prove that you are healthy and won’t pose any risk to other people in the country.
Applying for an IR1 visa or partner visa might take a while but it will be worth the wait once you’ve been approved and working side by side with your partner. You won’t have to worry about being too far from your spouse. You’ll also be able to think about what your next step will be. Whether you want to apply for work or start your own business, you can now choose which one you prefer but it is better to find work first to be able to have startup money for your business in the future and save some for emergencies in the future.